It’s good to be back. The past ten days have quite possibly been the busiest in my life, and they are the reason for the lack of posts here. To make a long story short (and to avoid sabotaging a future post), I came back from vacationing in Bayfield to 100 hours of work in one week. The project has shipped and I can finally get some sleep; the time for Traveling Savage to grow wings is fast approaching.

The week away from posting, e-mail, and social media was eye-opening. It confirmed the importance of momentum in making a career break. Allowing myself to get sucked back in to the work I’m trying to escape almost laid waste to the mental architecture I’ve built up in the last nine months.

But it still stands, and there’s no clearer sign I’m on the right path.

Plans & Happenings

From a planning perspective, things have been largely on hold this month. Periodically I’ve done minor flight searches, and these will pick up starting now. I know that for my first few days(?) in Buenos Aires I’ll be staying with Marcello from Wandering Trader. He kindly offered me a place to crash upon arrival in BA and I happily accepted. After that, it’s wide open though I’m planning to make my way to Salta.

I’m also starting to think about where to go on subsequent trips. I haven’t given it serious thought yet, but my hunch is that time will fly once I make the leap and my travels start. I could be putting myself in a tough logistical situation if I don’t have at least the first few destinations nailed down.

The main happening has been maintaining focus. Keeping it together. Call it what you will – it’s been hard.

Features & PR

Despite the overwhelming amount of work and relatively small number of posts this month, it has been an incredible month for the growth of Traveling Savage. According to the numbers game, early August saw Traveling Savage break into the top 100,000 Web sites in the world (according to Alexa). I’m honored and ecstatic to have achieved this milestone. This blog is also in the top 50 travel blogs and the top 10 travel blogs according to some nice sites.

Since the last State of the Savage, quite a few travel bloggers I respect have shown Traveling Savage love. Caz of yTravelBlog included my post on choosing a phone for travel in her best travel blog posts for week of july 25. A few days later Andy from Sharing Travel Experiences kindly interviewed me. Maiden Voyage then included my post on Zorba’s teachings in her Gen Y Travel Blog Carnival.

Nicole and Cameron of Traveling Canucks read my post on blurry visions while Suzy Guese stumbled through the crossroads of travel and materialism. Andrew of Grounded Traveler also liked the idea trail leading out of those crossroads. Meanwhile, Misadventures with Andi gave notice to my post about giving notice in her Saturday Six #34.

Brendan Van Son of Brendan’s Adventures spotlighted Traveling Savage for his Blog Exposure feature. Finally, Finding the Universe found Traveling Savage and put me on their list of travel bloggers who write about other travel bloggers. Whew!

Parting Thought

Do you think I’m an example of “emerging adulthood?” It’s a concept that has gotten a lot of media attention in the last week. Do travelers and travel bloggers, specifically, exemplify this idea?

Thanks for reading, commenting, and helping me reach more people with my writing. Your readership means a lot to me, and it’s ultimately the engine by which I will break the mold. That’s a lot of power in your hands.

Original photo by +++CoolValley+++ via Flickr under Creative Commons


Article Comments

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cam & Nicole, Keith Savage. Keith Savage said: New post! State of the Savage: August 2010 | or #travel […]

  2. ayngelina August 31, 2010 at 10:01 am

    All your success is much deserved. Can’t wait to read this upcoming mystery post.

    1. Keith Savage September 1, 2010 at 12:47 pm

      Thanks Ayngelina. I’ve got several posts cooking – just waiting for the ideas to tenderize.

  3. WanderingTrader August 31, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    Look forward to having you! One thing that we can look into is taking the bus to Salta rather than flying, it takes about 20 hours or so but its only around $100. Plush leather coaches that roll out into beds to sleep, your own tv, and radio. Wi-fi as long as 3g is avail (pretty much only in the city). You could also fly directly to Iguazu falls spend a day or two there and then head straight to Salta. Let me know 🙂 Let me know rough dates so I can make sure not to plan things during that time

    1. Keith Savage September 1, 2010 at 12:51 pm

      I’ll let you know dates as soon as I have them. I’ve been thinking that the bus to Salta might be the most efficient and economical option. And the way you’ve described them makes it sound high comfort as well. Looking forward to it.

  4. Andi August 31, 2010 at 3:57 pm

    I’m so excited about your upcoming trip to Argie! You and Marcello will have a lot of fun together no doubt, it’s a shame I’ll just be missing you. Congrats on all of the shout-outs!

    1. Keith Savage September 1, 2010 at 12:48 pm

      I know, I’m bummed that our paths won’t cross. There’s always the rest of the world 🙂 I’m eager to read about the times you and Marcello have in BA!

  5. Mikeachim August 31, 2010 at 7:12 pm

    It may have been hard. It’s obviously been hard, in fact.

    But you’re obviously reaping the success you’re due.

    It’s the right path. You bet.

    1. Keith Savage September 1, 2010 at 12:50 pm

      I appreciate the kind words, Mike. Cheers!

  6. Earl September 1, 2010 at 2:17 pm

    Well done Keith! It’s always good to see the hard work pay off and congrats on breaking the 100,000 mark! Here’s to more success in the future…

    1. Keith Savage September 2, 2010 at 1:59 pm

      Thanks Earl, cheers!

  7. Vadodara Hotels September 1, 2010 at 3:05 pm

    Great job Keith! It is great to see hard work. And Congratulation on 100,000 mark! All the best.

    1. Keith Savage September 2, 2010 at 1:59 pm


  8. Matt September 1, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    That’s some publicity you received this month! Nice work breaking into the top 100,000 as well.

    I’m glad that getting stuck into your work didn’t result in you questioning your motivations to travel.

    1. Keith Savage September 2, 2010 at 2:00 pm

      Hey Matt, if anything it reinvigorated my desire to travel 🙂 Thanks for the well wishes, and congrats to your recent successes as well.

  9. Financial Samurai September 12, 2010 at 7:31 pm

    The best thing about hard work is the reward that comes after, not to mention that the hard work is over.

    Keep on trucking!



    1. Keith Savage September 12, 2010 at 9:38 pm

      Thanks Sam! I’m with you on that. Hard work and stretching yourself are good for the soul. But then again, so is relaxing with a beer by the fire. 🙂

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