Have you put together an itinerary for your trip to Scotland but feel a little unsure about it? It can be difficult to plan a trip using second- and third-hand sources. All too often every place sounds amazing. If you’re worried you’ve left out important destinations, hidden highlights, or even the little things that make the memory, my itinerary review service might be just what you need for your Scotland itineraries.

Let me, an experienced travel planner and frequent traveler to Scotland, review your Scotland itinerary and offer recommendations that will smooth out logistics, identify optimal alternative stops, and provide additional activities that align with your interests to maximize your time and money in Scotland.

How It Works and What to Expect

You’ll begin by filling out the submission form below and attaching your itinerary. Please note what areas are giving you trouble! Once I’ve received your itinerary, I’ll contact you just to confirm I received it, possibly ask a few questions, and send along an invoice. After I’ve received payment, I’ll buckle down and begin the process of analyzing and scrutinizing your itinerary.

As I’m reviewing your itinerary, I’ll consider:

  • Given your preference for depth or breadth, are you packing in the right amount of destinations and activities?
  • Does your journey follow the most logistically efficient route?
  • Have you selected the most appropriate stops given your interests?
  • How can I enhance your itinerary to make it sing?

During this review I may recommend things like:

  • Activities and sites that may be of interest but are missing from your itinerary.
  • Alternative destinations that will provide a more enriching and satisfying experience.
  • Ways to fill in gaps in the itinerary.
  • The most efficient modes of transportation in each region.

When I’ve completed my review, I’ll email you an organized list of my recommendations and tweaks to make your itinerary rock solid and your trip to Scotland positively awesome. If you have any questions or require clarifications, you can feel free to email me and I’ll provide final answers.

After much research and planning, we had come up with a decent plan about what we wanted to see in our two-week tour of Scotland. The important missing piece was the pacing of the trip. Questions of how long to be in an area and real travel times loomed large in our minds until I happened on Keith’s site while trying to answer these very questions. True personal recommendations are very reassuring and ...

– Mark Schwobel


Itinerary review is $99 payable by Paypal or credit/debit card.

Submit Your Itinerary for Review

Fill out the form below and let’s get this haggis rolling!

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